Are you an Internet user bewildered by all this noise about "heartbleed" and "resets"?For Muggles:
For Wizards:
That's cool, turn off your HTTPS listener till you have a chance to patch.
I ship client applications that connect to arbitrary websites/mail systems and use OpenSSL libraries!
Well either you dynamically link and better hope the OSes update soon, or you statically link and you should recompile and push updates.
*Consider updating to 1.0.1 after it becomes stable again so you can improve your TLS support.
**Yes, yes, as always, the terms hardware, firmware, and software don't apply well to appliances (it's all software, dude, have you seen my klout score on hacker news?!?!) and you can be a wonderful pedant about them, but if you're reading this you know exactly what I mean.
*** This barely even matters because cert revocation status checking is pretty much a broken process outside of OSCP stapling which (i think) only Opera even supports.
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If you feel this limits your free speech, you're wrong. Lots of things are doing that these days though, so you should probably get better informed on the specifics there. I direct you to Popehat is a great resource for things like this, frequently funny, and almost always too contrarian and deliberately centrist to have political views worth caring about.
If you feel that you need to speak to me directly, I encourage that. If you found this, then you can find me elsewhere on the internet easily. Bluesky is generally preferable.